Facebook Building own Mobile App platform?

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SpartanIf one is to believe Techcrunch Facebook is building its own mobile app platform-- one aiming specfically at Apple.

Dubbed "Project Spartan", it is HTML5-based, with its initial target being no other than mobile Safari-- the one area on iDevices the likes of Facebook can (mostly) control. 

Rumour or not, the idea does make sense. After all, a MIT Technology Review blog entry from a few weeks ago predicts web apps will beat out mobile apps in the online app store race-- a race Facebook will probably want to take part in some time or another. 

Facebook itself has "nothing to share" so far, but Techcrunch claims of seeing Project Spartan. The platform's partners supposedly include Zynga and Huffington Post, with around 80 outside developers currently working on it. 

If "Project Spartan" does turn out to be fact, it will do Apple one favour-- getting developers to move away from the Flash standard, particularly when it comes to gaming. 

Go Project Spartan (Techcrunch)

Go Mobile Apps: to Go the Way of the Dodo?