Not One But Two New iPads for 2012?

If DigiTimes sources are correct, Apple will reveal two new iPads at iWorld 2012-- a high-end version and mid-range model, both featuring 9.7" displays with QXGA (1536x2048) resolutions.

iPadThe iPad 2 will remain on the market as the low-end option competing directly (price-wise) with the Kindle Fire and its ilk. Previous rumours insisted Apple was to make a smaller, 7" device.

The high-end iPad will apparently carry a quad-core A6 processor, 14000mAh battery (nearly twice in capacity of the iPad 2's) and an 8MP camera, while the mid-range iPad will have a 5MP camera. The two devices will also have screens lit by dual-LED bars.

The unusually detailed report says Samsung is taking care of processor and CMOS image sensor manufacture, while Sharp is supplying backlight units and display panels.

Are these latest DigiTimes rumours solid fact or simply hot air? We'll know soon enough-- iWorld (formely "Macworld") will take place in less than a month's time, on January 26 2012.

Go Apple to Unvel 2 Versions of Next-Gen iPad (DigiTimes)