China's Apple Store Knockoffs

China-based blogger BirdAbroad reveals what one can describe as the ultimate in copying-- counterfeit Apple stores in Kunming, China, complete with employees clad in blue t-shirts, a winding staircase and rather familiar signage.

Apple StoerTruly, if imitation is the most sincere form of flattery then Apple's logo should be turning into a beetroot as we speak.

The "ripoff store" looks impressive at first glance, even if closer scrutiny reveals the staircase's lack of quality and shoddy paint work. And that's before mentioning that the staff-- clad with name tags lacking in actual names-- "genuinely think they work for Apple". Bless.

It gets even better-- "A ten minute walk around the corner revealed not one, but TWO more rip-off Apple stores," one of which bears the name "Apple Stoer".

The blog entry lacks mention of whether the devices for sale at these stores are authentic or not-- but we doubt any clarification is actually needed.

Apple does actually have a few "real" Chinese stores, but only in Beijing and Shanghai, with more to follow over the next few years.

Go Are You Listening, Steve Jobs (BirdAbroad)