WSJ: June Release for Amazon Smartphone

Not content with releasing an Apple TV rival Amazon sets to announce a smartphone on June 2014 The Wall Street Journal reports-- a device reportedly featuring a "holographic" glasses-free 3D display.

Hologram phoneFollowing the announcement the smartphone should ship by end September 2014, the WSJ continues.

The 3D display is part of an Amazon effort to "distinguish [the] phone in a crowded market," and uses 4 front-facing eye-tracking cameras to generate the 3D effect. Such an approach is unlike the one found in the Nintendo 3DS, which employs simpler parallax-barrier LCDs.

The WSJ already reported on this display feature back in May 2013, where it added the retailer turned hardware maker is working on a second (probably) more conventional handset at its Lab126 facility. Its sources also warned "some or all" of the devices might even end up in development hell due to performance or financial concerns.

Either way, should Amazon release a smartphone it faces far stiffer competition than that found in the STB or even tablet markets-- the Samsung S5 just hit the global market, while Apple will reportedly release two iPhones come Q3 2013.

Go Amazon Preparing to Release Smartphone (, subscription required)

Go 3D Displays for Amazon's Smartphone?